A Starting Point
For Success

Hello! I am so excited to start learning about you and see if coaching is for you and the goals you have in life. Please fill in the form below so I can better understand you, your needs, and what goals you have.

Here are the steps that I follow to start any coaching program with my clients.

  1. The questionnaire is an important part and gives me a snapshot of your needs, your goals, your stress points, and an idea about what might be holding you back from achieving the success you want.

  2. After I receive the questionnaire and I think we might be a good fit, I will send you a life assessment diagram that we will go through together in a ZOOM meeting. (I'll send you a link.)

  3. At the end of the ZOOM call, we will assess your needs and see if you are in a position to continue and discuss the length of the coaching you feel you need and the pricing.

  4. If we enter into a coaching/client agreement there will be paperwork to sign about pricing, payments, responsibilities, and expectations.

I know this might all seem overwhelming especially if your life is upheaval, but I'll get you through it all step by step.